Thursday, May 30, 2019

Helix Mittens - Use left over yarn

I learned this helix technique from this youtube video.

Using two coordination yarns in two different weights (dk and 
worsted), I came up with this pattern to use up leftover yarn.
 This is not a tested pattern. 

Helix Mittens
Any weight yarn might work, I used two worsted on one pair and a DK and a worsted on another pair, both worked fine. 
Two complimentary colors

Size 4 Flexiflips (dp 4 or 5 will work also)
Co40 and join in the round with first color, then knit 10 stitches, place marker. (This is where you will change colors every round.). FYI each stitch is always knit with opposite color.
When you change colors it is key not to cross yarns and also make sure when picking up the alternate colored yarn that the previous stitch of that color is pulled to the size of all stitches.
Knit helix for 4.5 inches.
Mark for thumb. I start and the color change. K3. Knit the next 7 stitches with a piece of scrap yarn. Replace the 7 scrap yarn stitches back on to the left needle. Knit these 7 stitches again with color currently working with. Continue knitting helix for another 4.5 inches from scrap yarn.
Round 1. K1, K2tog 
Round 2. K around 
Round 3. K around 
Round 4. K 2tog around 
Round 5. K 2tog around

Break yarn and using a tapestry needle, draw yarn end through remaining stitches pulling together. Weave in ends
With 2 needles, pick up 7 its along bottom and 7 its along top of scrap yarn (14) plus one stitch on either side of scrap yarn, total of 16 sts. Remove scrap yarn and knit helix until thumb comes up even with the tip of the thumb. Begin thumb decrease.
Round 1. K1. K2 tog, K repeat between * to end. (11 sts) 
Round 2. K1. K2tog 5 times (6sts)

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