Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Knitted Shawl for Angie

At her request, I knitted a shawl for my daughter-in-law. 
I had no pattern so the instructions on how I did it are below. 

I used Plymouth Encore Chunky in color 6001 Cocoa
Needle Size 11

CO 72 
Row 1 - S1wyib, K2P2 repeat til last stitch, P1
Row 2 - repeat row 1 
Row 3 - S1wyib, P2K2, repeat til last stitch, P1 
Row 4 - report row 3

Slipping the first stitch and purling the last stitch on every row makes a nice edge.
The finished rectangle was 61” x 23” before blocking. 
After blocking it was about 75" long
Then I made two pockets in the same pattern to the size of 10” x 12” and sewed them on. Added the fringe.

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