Saturday, July 25, 2015

AG doll Matching Dresses

"Easy Peazy Pleats"

by Olive Ann Designs

This was easy but time consuming.  The doll dress is very difficult to get on our American Girl doll but I thought they turned out pretty cute.  Here's the ones I made.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Apron Butterick Pattern #4945

Clothesline Prints by Darlene Zimmerman was the inspiration for this vintage looking apron.

I thought this pattern was too fussy for my liking.  

I did change the tied neck piece for an over the head loop.
Doubt I'd make this pattern again even though I think the apron turned out pretty cute.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Strawberry Shortcake

So it's the 4th of July and I am trying to find a good strawberry shortcake recipe.  I google it and find sites like Food Network, Taste of Home,  All Recipes and Betty Crocker, all that have many recipes with lots of pop ups it made me dizzy.  Martha Stewart had a recipe but the 2 cups of flour to 1 cup of cream seemed like it wouldn't work.  

I find my old 'Betty's Pies Favorite Recipes' cookbook.  Betty was a women who had a small restaurant on the north shore of Lake Superior near Two Harbors, Mn.

 Betty is no longer around, the restaurant has been sold and the new owners call it the same but it's no where near the quality of home cooking done by Betty.  

Her book can still be bought here:

And the shortcake....... was amazing.  I did use heavy whipping cream instead of half and half cause that's all I had.  I also sprinkled some course raw sugar on the top.