Thursday, January 23, 2014

Knitted Boot Toppers

Boot Toppers

Materials:  Any Medium worsted weight yarn
               Size 7 or 8 circular needles 16 inches

Cast on 65 stitches
Place marker and join in the round making sure not to twist stitches.

Row 1 and 2:  *knit 3, purl 2*, repeat around.

Row 3: *Sl 1 purlwise wyib, knit the next two stitches and then pass 
the slipped stitch over the two knit stitches, purl 2* repeat around.

Row 4:  *Knit 1, yo, knit 1, purl 2*, repeat around.

Repeat rows 1-4 in this pattern for 3.5 inches ending with 4th row.

Change to knit 3, purl 2 ribbing for another 3.5 inches, then cast off loosely in pattern.  

wyib - with yarn in back
yo - yarn over

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

American Girl Doll Catalog sent to my house.

This catalog came to my house and my four year old granddaughter wanted it badly.  It's only $72, YIKES!!!
What's a grandmother suppose to do?????

Find a few stash patterns and less than $10 in fabric (the buttons were $2.00) and…….

closed enough.  I just have to find and tiara and make some gloves, no problem.